URI | https://d-nb.info/gnd/10020010-2 |
Entitätstyp | Körperschaft |
GND-Nummer | 10020010-2 |
Homepage | http://www.piarc.org/cgq/c18-genf.htm | http://www.piarc.org/cgq/c18-gene.htm |
Ländercode | Internationale Staatengemeinschaften, internationale Organisationen |
Administrative Überordnung der Körperschaft | Permanent International Association of Road Congresses |
Gründungsdatum | 2000 |
Vorherige Körperschaft | Permanent International Association of Road Congress. Working Group on Natural Disaster Reduction |
Varianter Name | Comité Technique de la Gestion des Risques liés aux Routes | Permanent International Association of Road Congress. Comité Technique de la Gestion des Risques liés aux Routes | Permanent International Association of Road Congress. Technical Committee (C 18) | Technical Committee on Risk Management for Roads | Permanent International Association of Road Congress. Comité Technique (C 18) |
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