URI https://d-nb.info/gnd/1160757259
EntitätstypIndividualisierte Person
AffiliationHong Kong Polytechnic  | Macao Institute for Tourism Studies. School of Hospitality Management 
TitelangabeThe effect of online reviews on hotel booking intention
Varianter NameChu Chan, Irene Cheng | Chan, I. C. C. | Chan Irene Cheng Chu | Cheng Chu Chan, Irene | Chan, Cheng Chu |
Siehe auchhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-8535-9597 | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) | Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)

Datenquelle: DNB Linked-Data-Service (RDF/XML, Turtle) | CC0

Datenquelle: DNB Linked-Data-Service (RDF/XML, Turtle) | CC0