URI | https://d-nb.info/gnd/1273110986 |
Entitätstyp | Individualisierte Person |
GND-Nummer | 1273110986 |
Beruf oder Beschäftigung | Biologisch-technische Assistentin | Biologin |
Affiliation | Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Homepage | https://de.linkedin.com/in/christiane-vole-820775181 |
Ländercode | Deutschland |
Geschlecht | Weiblich |
Titelangabe | Garcia-Montero, Angelica: Non-Breeding Eusocial Mole-Rats Produce Viable Sperm | Henning, Yoshiyuki: Unusual ratio between free thyroxine and free triiodothyronine in a long-lived mole-rat species with bimodal ageing | Sahm, Arne: Higher gene expression stability during aging in long-lived giant mole-rats than in short-lived rats |
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