Olynthiacae 2 | Werk |
Demosthenes |
4367373-9 | |
De re publica ordinanda | Werk |
Demosthenes |
4367609-1 | |
De classibus | Werk |
Demosthenes |
4367622-4 | |
Fragmenta | Werk |
Isocrates |
4368194-3 | |
De corona trierarchiae | Werk |
Demosthenes |
4368372-1 | |
Peri tēs idias kathodu | Werk |
Demosthenes |
4369856-6 | |
Changes in the structure of political compromise | Werk |
Kirchheimer, Otto |
4379688-6 | |
De exilio | Werk |
Plutarchus |
4406641-7 | |
Politisches Testament (1752). Rêveries politiques | Werk |
Friedrich II., Preußen, König |
4678442-1 | |
An enquiry concerning the principles of political justice and its influence on general virtue and happiness | Werk |
Godwin, William |
4509048-8 |